Are there black and green spots on your walls accompanied by an earthy or musty odour? That’s a sure sign you have a mould problem! You must eliminate it as quickly as possible to prevent it affecting your home’s air quality and your health.
Water and high humidity levels are usually the cause of a mould outbreak in your residence. That is why, once the clean-up is completed, you will have to uncover the source of the problem and eradicate it. It might, for example, be water leaking through the foundation or roof; too much steam generated by too long showers; a lack of ventilation; or simply broken plumbing.
But first things first. Here how to clean up that mess!
Get Ready…
- Before you start scrubbing, put on a dust mask, safety glasses and rubber gloves.
- It is important that you first vacuum the affected zone or wet it down with your chosen cleaning product. Never brush it dry as this will spread the spores everywhere in the room.
- Make sure you adequately ventilate your home during the entire operation—especially the affected room—and your pets and other family members stay far away.
- Be aware that you should not undertake any mould clean-up if you have pre-existing health conditions.
There are natural options you can employ to completely clean and eliminate mould without using toxic products like household bleach.
In the case of wood walls, wash the surface with a sponge dampened in a solution of water and mild unscented detergent. Then wipe it dry with a clean rag and sand off the remaining stains. Of course, this last step will generate dust, so vacuum it up as work.
If your walls are covered in gypsum board, you will need a solution of water and mild detergent or baking soda. Scrub with a damp—not wet—cloth or sponge. The gypsum board should not be wet through to the back.
For mould on concrete walls, it should come off with water and unscented soap.
More Effective Solutions
If you’re looking for other non-toxic alternatives, know that white vinegar is not only your best friend when it comes to keeping the house spotless, but for removing mould as well. Pour a small quantity onto a rag and rub the wall to get rid of as much mould as possible.
To eliminate stubborn stains, mix 300 ml white vinegar with 200 ml water in a spray bottle and spray over the mouldy area. Leave on the wall for several hours before wiping the vinegar off with a damp cloth.
A hydrogen peroxide solution is equally effective: combine in a ratio of 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts water, spray down the wall, scrub and rinse with warm water.
Keep in mind that the sooner you address the mould issue, the easier it will be to make it disappear, not to mention you will be limiting damage to your home. But if the job seems like more than you can manage, don’t hesitate to call on the services of a specialist.